Ankalite Kalite Kontrol LTD. ŞTİ.
A company with experienced staff, providing services in the field of non-destructive testing based on years of experience in the industry.
Personnel training and certification services
- In-company on-site training and certification (SNT-TC-1A).
- Online Training via the internet (ISO 9712 & SNT-TC-1A).
Online trainings are provided within the scope of İNDTOKULU. iNDTOKULU is a joint brand of METU (Middle East Technical University) and Ankalite.
Consultancy Services
- NDT Level 3 Consultancy Services
- API authorized inspector consultancy services
- Failure Analysis
- ECA – Engineering Critical Assessment)
Advanced non-destructive testing applications in collaboration with globally recognized solution partners.
- Inspection of pipeline weld seams with Automatic Ultrasonic (AUT) method
- Inspection of pipeline weld seams with Digital Radiography (DR) method
- Long-Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT-Guided Waves) pipeline inspections
- Inspections of vertical cylindrical aboveground storage tanks while in operation and out of service according to the API 653 standard.
- Inspections of underground vertical cylindrical storage tanks according to the API 653 standard.
- According to the STI-SP001 standard, inspections of underground horizontal cylindrical storage tanks.
- Inspections of non-steel aboveground tanks according to the STI-SP001 standard.
- Inspections of insulated or uninsulated piping systems according to API 570.
- Inspections of pressure vessels in accordance with API 510
- Risk Based Inspection (RBI) of all equipment
Inspections of Pressure Vessels (API 510)
- Spherical tanks,
- Compressors,
- Heat exchangers,
- Boilers,
- Horizontal-vertical storage tanks,
- Horizontal-vertical heat exchangers,
- Process towers.
Piping Systems Inspections (API 570)
As ANKALİTE, we are proud to have conducted inspections on extensive pipeline networks in numerous refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical facilities, storage tank farms, and various other businesses across our country.
Traditional non-destructive testing inspections
- Visual Testing
- Ultasonic Testing
- Magnetic Particle Inspections (MPI)
- Penetrant Testing
- Radiographic Testing
- Eddy Current Testing
Ankalite Kalite Kontrol LTD. ŞTİ.
Middle East Technical University Welding Technology and Non-Destructive Testing Center
The inception of ANKALİTE Quality Control Company coincides with the transition of its founder, Ertuğrul YILMAZ, who, after dedicating numerous years to the Middle East Technical University Welding Technology and Non-Destructive Testing Center, moved on to pursue a career in the private sector.
Ankalite Quality Control LTD.
ANKALİTE Quality Control Ltd. was established in 2002 under the umbrella of the HDM Companies Group, succeeding HDM Kalite Kontrol Tekn. Hiz. Ltd. Şti. With a change in partnership structure, a change of title was implemented on April 19, 2016, and it continues its operations in the non-destructive testing services sector under the name ANKALİTE.
Established on September 22, 2016, İNDTOKULU is the joint brand of ODTÜ and ANKALİTE. It initiated its education and certification services on January 1, 2019. To learn more, visit: www.indtokulu.com or ndt.wtndt.metu.edu.tr.
About Our Founder
Ertuğrul Yılmaz
Ertuğrul YILMAZ, a Metallurgical Engineer, started working after his graduation as a research assistant at METU Welding Technology and Non-Destructive Testing Center in 1989. As one of the 10 individuals sent to Germany under a joint project between the Turkish and German governments in 1992, received Level 3 training in the field of non-destructive testing. After spending approximately 2 years in Germany, returned to METU (Middle East Technical University) with Level 3 certifications and served as a non-destructive testing specialist until the year 2000.
In addition to participating in the non-destructive testing training of students at METU, held the position of Chairman of the Metallurgical Engineers Board for many years in the “Industrial Non-Destructive Testing Training and Certification” project conducted in collaboration with the Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers. KALKONTEK Ltd. Şti. was the first private company Ertuğrul Yılmaz started to serve the industry with and later he became the founding partner of HDM Quality Control Company.
As of April 19, 2016, he continues his work at the company, which underwent a title change and adopted the name ANKALİTE. Ertuğrul YILMAZ also concurrently holds the position of President of ASNT Turkey.
Ertuğrul Yılmaz
General Manager
Ertuğrul YILMAZ has the following certificates in the field of Non-Destructive Testing;
- API653 – Authorized inspector of storage tanks,
- API510 – Pressure vessels authorized inspector,
- API570 – Piping systems authorized inspector,
- STI-SP001 – Steel Tank Institute authorized inspector.
- Visual Testing Level 3,
- Eddy Current (Level 3),
- Ultrasonic Testing (Level 3),
- Magnetic Particle Testing (Level 3),
- Penetrant Testing (Level 3),
- Radyographic Testing (Level 3),
Joint brand of METU and Ankalite.
iNDTOKULU is the first platform in Turkey where non-destructive testing personnel training and certification services are provided online.
Joint brand of METU and Ankalite.
- Theoretical training contents are prepared in accordance with ASNT CP 105 and CEN ISO TR 25107 standards.
- Participants who successfully complete the theoretical training provided online are eligible to take the qualification exam after the practical training held at METU.
- Participants who successfully complete both the training and exams are awarded internationally recognized certificates according to either American (SNT-TC-1A) or European (EN ISO 9712) standards.
- Certificates issued according to SNT-TC-1A standards are provided by INDOKULU, while certificates issued according to EN ISO 9712 standards are provided by METU-KTTMM Certification Center.
- Our training sessions for Visual Testing (VT 1+2), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT 1+2), Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT 1+2), Radiographic Testing (RT 1+2), and Digital Radiography (DR2) have commenced based on SNT-TC-1A and EN ISO 9712.
INDTOKULU Training and Certification