Petrochemical Sector
One of the sectors with prevalent risks and a high adoption of non-destructive testing is refineries and chemical manufacturing plants. It has various and specialized equipment where a wide range of different chemicals is transported, processed, and stored. Due to the importance and different characteristics of equipment such as heat exchangers, columns, reactors, storage tanks, boilers, and pipelines, it is vital for them to be examined with appropriate methods from an operational perspective.
For the petrochemical sector,
some of the services we provide include;
- Failure anaysis
- Fitness for service
- Finite Element Analysis
- ECA - Engineering critical assessment
- The inspection of piping systems in accordance with API 570.
- General / Basic Non-Destructive Testing Applications
- Non-Destructive Testing Personnel Training and Certification
- NDT Level 3 Consultancy Services
- API 653 Storage Tank Authorized Inspector Consultancy Services
- API 570 Authorized Piping Inspector Consultancy Services
- API 510 Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector Consultancy Services
- The inspections of equipment under the "Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment" (SEVOSO)
- The inspections of aboveground/underground storage tanks in accordance with API 653 standards.
- The inspections of underground storage tanks in accordance with the STI SP001 standard.
- The inspections of pressure vessels in accordance with API 510 standards.
Price quote requests
To request a price quote for the services we offer, you can send an email to
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our NDT Certifactes
- Visual Inspection Level 3
- Eddy Current Level 3
- Ultrasonic Testing Level 3
- Magnetic Particle Testing Level 3
- Penetrant Testing Level 3
- Radiografic Testing Level 3
- API653 – Authorized Inspector for Storage Tanks
- API510 – Authorized Inspector for Pressure Vessels
- API570 – Authorized Inspector for Piping Systems
- STI-SP001 – Steel Tank Institute authorized inspector
Where can I find the education program calendar?
For detailed information about online-based İNDTOKULU training, please visit
For in-person, company-specific training requests, please contact us.
Advanced NDT Methods
We provide advanced non-destructive testing services in collaboration with globally recognized solution partners.
You can review the documents for detailed information.